Song Review - “The King’s Affirmation.” by Iniko

Iniko’s public rise is rooted in sheer talent in finding the right platform to expand its audience. Iniko has worked so tirelessly, exploring the tricky system of success so effortlessly, that it has been easy to take for granted their steady evolution as an artist. With soundbites achieving tik-tok fame, the next evolutionary step of Iniko’s artistry is to create finished products of these tidbits that enamored the public.

Such is the case for artist Iniko and their latest single, “The King’s Affirmation.” A song that encapsulates a mood of poetic-prayerful connections, with Iniko’s voice acting as the track’s progressive instrumental. The song begins peacefully and plays to the mood by creating an experience reminiscent of an Imax-theatrical showcase. Iniko vocally sets up a masterclass of layering, harmonics, and execution. 

The song begins with the familiar opening line, “I will be one of the greatest, that is a vow, that is a promise.” Spoken over rhythmic snaps, Iniko explores sounds that sonically impress while playing with the melody and bringing to the fore the choruses and allowing for a hybrid style of flowery harmony of the verses to exist with their independent flow scheme.

Iniko eventually breaks away from the initial rhyme scheme, creating a new sound that fits within the song premise, but flows within the song context beyond a soft piano backdrop. One of the highlights of this song is these moments of instrumentation, which provide fulfillment and establish finality to the sounds of the initial Tik-Tok tidbit.

Throughout "The King's Affirmation," there is a sense of unguardedness and freedom in their method. Iniko offers these qualities which make the record stand out, as the song feels like a calculated expressive chant to aspirations of success. This song feels like a declaration of growth, crafting Iniko’s best work to date.

You can listen to the song here.

Lori Garland

Mom by day, journalist by night. Freelance journalist and website contributor.


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